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Websites Please review my NEW site

Discussion in 'Reviews' started by andysmith891, Nov 9, 2006.

  1. andysmith891

    andysmith891 New Member


    Logo - $50
    Layout - $300
    Programming - 1 month, around 300 hours?
    Servers and admin costs - $2500+ a month

    I decided to make one of those free file hosting sites. As you can see I devoted a lot of time and money in this project, don't be shy to point out the negatives of my site.

    Thanks a lot!
  2. Scoooooty

    Scoooooty Member

    500mb is the best I have seen, normaly pay sites like that limit the file size to 200mb

    Site definity needs more color, I dont see why you payed $300 for the layout, its just really basic and plain..

    Logo is not bad but I dont really like the folder to the left of it.

    Great site just dont think much of the design, its not bad just very plain.
  3. reganstar

    reganstar New Member

    Logo and Layout are a little expensive and are very easy to create but it look nice, connections are good so you done a good work!
  4. deyounggerry

    deyounggerry New Member

    I think you could do without the dual navigation. Needs more content and
  5. GDSweb.ca

    GDSweb.ca Moderator/Developer

    Good job on the site....but maybe moving the whole page more into the middle. I run 1280x1024 so it looks too close to the top for my liking

    ......otherwise work on the Vaild Markup aspect of your page and you will be good to go!

    xHTML = 19 Errors, 7 warning(s)
    CSS = 1 Error

    Almost there......good luck!