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Ready Please help with site design template....

Discussion in 'Downloads' started by jarrell.jackson, Jun 22, 2005.

  1. jarrell.jackson

    jarrell.jackson New Member

    Hi! My name is Jarrell and I usually design my own templates and what not myself. I am military and dont have the tools right now to once again perform these activities :( . Therefore I am in need of a website design for a website/venture company I am working with (my title....Web Technologies Manager). This website template doesnt have to be all sophisticated but it should look like mega cool. It should scream and shout and be something where people would go..damn thats a good looking site. To get you started, I will be trying to attach our logo to this post so that you will know what the colors are...There is no rush in this but I would like to know if you could do this by the weekend. I know you may be a bit busy or whatever but we are trying to throw a big advertisement party this coming Saturday. Thanks a million in advance!! :)

    Attached Files:

    • ss22.jpg
      File size:
      19.7 KB
  2. Mimoun

    Mimoun Administrator Staff Member Director Verified Member

    Hi Jarrell and welcome to the forum.
    We will design this template for you but we can't give you a date when it will be finished. So I can't promise that it will be ready by Saturday.
    As you can see on the forum I still have to design 11 other templates 6 or almost ready.
  3. jarrell.jackson

    jarrell.jackson New Member

    Thats completely fine with me. There is no rush! Thanks a whole lot! (Just make sure I keep my place in line...LOL) :p
  4. Mimoun

    Mimoun Administrator Staff Member Director Verified Member

    Your template is ready here is a screenshot:


    Hope you like it.
    The coding will be ready this week.
  5. jarrell.jackson

    jarrell.jackson New Member


    Hey...I like it alot!! The name you can place in there if i cant and wont be able to do it iz: JJNETServ (im trying to coming up with a catchy slogan but if u come up with one...its cool)