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Websites Please help me with the name of this template

Discussion in 'General' started by Shau, Apr 11, 2012.

  1. Shau

    Shau New Member


    I need a website to help people, let them ask questions and let other people answer (comment). It's like http://www.badfortune.info

    After searching this template a few days, I got nothing. Could anybody help me with it?

    Thanks a lot!
  2. Justin Hardy

    Justin Hardy Member

    Hi Shaun, i'll be totally honest, I dont understand your question. Can you re-ask it in another way please? Cheers mate!!
  3. ElPwno

    ElPwno New Member

    A name to the website you mean? I would suggest Advice Central. (advicecentral.net is free so take it while you can)