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General Please help me a bit!

Discussion in 'General' started by maxcherry, Jan 24, 2007.

  1. maxcherry

    maxcherry New Member

    Hey Guys,
    i'am a amateur in things like making a homepage:rolleyes: ! But I was now downloading a template (party-time) and in the folders was the following files:
    • PSD-File
    • HTML-Document
    • Images (Folder)
    • Style (Cascading Style Sheet Document)
    I got also a WebSpace (host) where I can upload and edit files.
    Im finished to publishe html and images. But what have I to make at next (with the Style and PSD-File)??

    Do I really need Photoshop or is there also an alternative?

    Please tell me a little bit about it, i would thank you soooo much!

    Greetz, max:)
  2. Stupidesigner

    Stupidesigner Member

    All the files included in the folder .zip are necessary.
    PSD File is given to you in order to be able to modify the templates content using Photoshop software, so that can change images, color and text
    The PSD should be already sliced and all images slices are in the images folder.
    The CSS is : Cascading Style Sheet : a file that you control your pages with. Alignment, font, tables ….
    All the files should be uploaded to yours server: html, images, css except the PSD file of course you keep it in your hard disk in case you would like to make any new change in the future

    Good Luck
  3. maxcherry

    maxcherry New Member


    thank you again:) !
    Yes all files up on the server...but I have to link the files anywhere with my homepage, isn't it?
    So have i to edit the html and add the URL of the files like PSF, isn't it?

    Thank you, max:p
  4. lmfrench

    lmfrench New Member

    No, you do not have to link to the PSD's, you actually are linking to just the jpegs...which you can edit jpegs in any image editing software! :)