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Websites Please give your honest opinion!!!

Discussion in 'Reviews' started by lmfrench, Jan 1, 2007.

  1. lmfrench

    lmfrench New Member

    I just recently switched from a traditional xhtml, css/javascript website to a CMS...I have gotten a lot of positive feedback from clients, friends and family, but I really need a non-biased opinion...please take a look at the layout the useability etc...please be brutally HONEST!! I can take it!!! LOL. I just have never used a CMS before, and I want to make sure that I didn't make any huge mistakes...thanks


  2. Scoooooty

    Scoooooty Member

    You are still basicly using the default joomla template bit with a few color changes. It does look good but as a webdesign portfolio site you probly better of coming up with your own design.

    Joomla templates are actually really easy to to make. I will show you how to do if if you need some help. You can make the design for your website in anyway you want and then just paste all the sections of joomla onto your website like the menu, login and main content.
  3. lmfrench

    lmfrench New Member

    Oh, that would be AWESOME!!!! I was trying to do my own site, but I was having major problems getting the code to work, I am more of a designer, less of a coder...lol. I actually hire my brother to do most of the coding for my sites, except for HTML, CSS and Flash...but Java, Php and CGI, I have NO clue...anyway, I would love to learn how to actually build a joomla template, so that I can have my own design on there, that would be too cool...and thank you for your feedback.