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Closed Personal DJ Website template request

Discussion in 'Archived' started by DJ Engineer, Apr 16, 2006.

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  1. DJ Engineer

    DJ Engineer New Member

    Hello, I'm DJ Engineer, and I started DJ'ing last year and will be hosting my site on my linux box. I was looking for a nice template that I could use for the update. My current website is at http://www.djengineer.com. I mix a special type of music called mashes. This is where you mix 2 or more songs into 1. The mixes are illegal to sell, but there are no problems with listening to the mixes. You can find some of my mixes on my current website if you would to see what I'm talking about. I mix alot of Rap/Pop/ (popular music found on the Radio). I get alot of my mixes played at clubs around the world, and would like to have a nice template for people to see. :) :D

    oh yeah, and my email address is pwmpn2@umr.edu
  2. Mimoun

    Mimoun Administrator Staff Member Director Verified Member

    Answer the following questions which will make the design process of your free website template easier for our web designers:

    1) What is your url ( website address)?
    2) Description of your website:
    3) List 3 template designs on FWT you really like:
    4) List 3 websites which you think look great ( doesn't need to be similar to your sites):
    5) List 3 similar websites:
    6) Do you have any images/photos that can be used for the template ( only copyright free ones )?
    7) Any colors you prefer?
  3. DJ Engineer

    DJ Engineer New Member

    DJ Website

    1) What is your url ( website address)?
    2) Description of your website:
    I have a DJ website that I would like to insert my blog or at least keep my embedded podcast player on the site. On this website I keep track of my events that I do, I allow for the download of mixes I've made, I have a front page that lists the information about myself and anything new that is going on. Then I have a links page in which I link my other DJ friends and then finally another page in which I let the online users contact me. I also have a page for photos. There is a page for DJ StEaLtH, but he is no longer DJ'ing with me.
    3) List 3 template designs on FWT you really like:
    I love the night club design: https://freewebsitetemplates.com/preview/nightclub2
    I like the party time template: https://freewebsitetemplates.com/preview/partytime
    I also love the Night Club template: https://freewebsitetemplates.com/preview/nightclub
    4) List 3 websites which you think look great ( doesn't need to be similar to your sites):

    5) List 3 similar websites:

    6) Do you have any images/photos that can be used for the template ( only copyright free ones )?
    I don't have any, but any photo's with like people dancing and lights flashing around and/or a dj turntable/mixer etc. would be cool.

    7) Any colors you prefer?
    I prefer the colors black and blue! :) But definitely a black background.
  4. DJ Engineer

    DJ Engineer New Member

  5. dj-terrorist

    dj-terrorist New Member

    HEY, im DJ-terrorist from an online game called habbo. im 15 and i reciently bought a domain and hosting plan, to make and fansite/online radio. i cant finde a good template for it.

    1) What is your url ( www.hip-habs.com )
    2) Description of your website: habbo fanite/ online radio
    3) List 3 template designs on FWT you really like:
    4) List 3 websites which you think look great: www.habbo360.net - www.habbohut.com - www.habtips.com
    5) List 3 similar websites: www.habbohut.com www.habbo360.net www.habtips.com
    6) Do you have any images/photos that can be used for the template ( only copyright free ones )? i made my own layout that would be good to use for this i used PAINT ( regular one u get with ur computer.
    7) Any coulers: green/black

    my email: danieltero@hotmail.com or dj-terrorist@hip-habs.com
  6. jordan333

    jordan333 New Member

  7. DJ Engineer

    DJ Engineer New Member

  8. pezboy45

    pezboy45 Mod/Design & Coder [Pro]

    Free Hot Porn, has been banned for an inappropriate name, and a link his/her signature that goes to a Reported Attack Site.
  9. redox

    redox New Member

    Hey DJ do you still need help with this? If so message me.
  10. Ruthe

    Ruthe Community Manager

    Hi DJ Engineer,

    Thank you for your request.

    Previously, your template request had to be put on hold due to insufficient resources; we are now pleased to announce that the template request forum will be relaunched on 24 March 2014.

    In appreciation of your patience and loyalty all these years, we would like to invite you to be among the first to have your customized template produced.

    If you would still like for this same template request to be processed, please reply to this thread within 30 days of this post and we will begin working on it as soon as possible.

    Please note that any request to accept this offer after the above stipulated period will not be entertained.

    I look forward to seeing you on FWT again!

    :) ruthe
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