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General Past Life

Discussion in 'General' started by Oberon, Jun 29, 2005.

  1. Oberon

    Oberon New Member

    Hey how come yall don't do the without request templates nemore?
  2. Mimoun

    Mimoun Administrator Staff Member Director Verified Member

    Do you mean that everyone is just posting to ask for template and nowhere else?
    People will start posting ones the forum is getting bigger.

    The forum is brand new and was launch on 06-17-2005 that’s only 2 weeks.

    By the way I will design better looking templates for people that also post here and on other places. You're one of them you already have 5 posts and just joined nice.
  3. Oberon

    Oberon New Member


    :D :D That's not really what I meant. I love the forum, and that yall, are able to customize the templates for the user needs. Was just wondering why you guys killed the database with all the downloadable templates. Cuz I used to visit every now and again, and download like five templates per visit. You know just incase. Still I like this.

    :D Also very happy that the fact that I like to talk is being rewarded with better looking template.

    p.s. Is there and eta on when the template list, building, built, and in line is going to be posted. Also where it's going to be? Thanks so much. :D