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Legacy Need a Dj Logo

Discussion in 'Archived' started by itraxx, May 24, 2010.

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  1. itraxx

    itraxx New Member

    Hi, i've been making music for a while now and i need help with making a Dj logo. It doesnt have to be flashy or anything. The main thing i Need on it is "Dj I'Traxx" with a pleasant black coloured background. My music is more R&B/Hip Hop/Techno if that helps. Its gonna be used for my youtube im gonna put up and a lot of other things too. If a little cool logo could be made I would GREATLY appreciate it. If anyone can help me out, i'll be a very happy guy.
  2. unhallowedangel

    unhallowedangel Logo Specialist

    Please read sticky at the top of the request page and fill out required information.
  3. itraxx

    itraxx New Member

    Oh sorry, didn't really know about that. My friend showed me this site so im kind of new to this. Looked at some of the threads to try to help out but i have to admit, I'm not to great with computer art,but i'll keep searching just in case. The only thing i can do that even relates to it a little is that i can draw portraits of people and other pencil drawings. Im not really good with the logo/website thing though. :(

    Can someone please help me out

    the logo info is:
    colors can be black white and redorblue
    i like logos like this My Photos Photo Gallery - Photo 1 of 1 by vybeBeatz - MySpace Photos, http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_WJ0g5OM7-oU/ScumJtZF6NI/AAAAAAAAB44/k9VpFMUSaoA/s400/%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%BE.jpg
    640 by 340
    Thank you so much
  4. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    How about something different from those two you have a link to?

    Attached Files:

  5. RickyRobertsonPhoto

    RickyRobertsonPhoto New Member

    nice layout ish!!!
  6. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    Thanks RRP
  7. itraxx

    itraxx New Member

    awsome, love the idea and the design, thats a good one ish. but the word font is a tad too plain. Could you try it with a font like "Harlow Solid Italic" for Microsoft word 2007. and if you could give the words some type of faint outline or bevel effect?? I kinda just became a pro at this so its gotta look a little pro but plain at the same time if you know what i mean. Kinda like the second link i put up. I'll pay that $10 fee or w/e if it motivates anyone lol. if you can that, it would be fantastic.
  8. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    "Can someone please help me out"
    Don't forget around here that's a 2-way street, so give back to the forum somewhere, you will find a way.
    No offense, but I don't think you would move off your easy chair to do your thing for $10, but who ever helps out and you pick, a link on your site would be nice.
    With that being said - here's 2 more to look at. The blue one with "Harlow Solid Italic" font. To me the T looks like a J = Jraxx.
    "Kinda like the second link i put up." what attributes is it you like. You want your own identity, we don't copy other logos and that is always used as an example.

    Anybody else going to try???

    Attached Files:

    • djt2.jpg
      File size:
      47.7 KB
  9. GG

    GG Active Member

    I'll see what I can do Ish. I'll give it a go :)
  10. GG

    GG Active Member

    Here's my go....


    Tried to use the same colour as Ish used and the same type of effect but let me know what you think.

    Try to help out in the forum too and help out others please.

  11. ishkey

    ishkey Moderator, Logos, Sports Crests Staff Member Verified Member

    Hey GG you are getting pretty slick with those graphics.
    In comparison I'm old school - you're new.
    Really nice job.
  12. itraxx

    itraxx New Member

    oh alright. i saw another thread where some of you guys were requesting a $10 paypal fee, so i thought you might of wanted it even though its a little low. And i see what you saying about the harlic. the main attributes i was looking for was soft background with the reflection on the floor. And I think genuine just hit the mark. i love it, the design is perfect! Only thing is that the width needs to be longer, kinda like ish's but with the words farther away from the sides. But everything else is great. thank you so much, you guys are awsome!!
  13. GG

    GG Active Member

    Sorry I didn't read the description for this one I just took the idea from Ish but here it is anyway with the size that you wanted...


    Let me know if it's ok...

    P.S Do you have a site?
  14. itraxx

    itraxx New Member

    hey man, its perfect. Thanks for everything you guys, i'll try my best to help out too.
  15. GG

    GG Active Member

    So it's ok with the watermark? :confused:

    Also do you have a website?
  16. RickyRobertsonPhoto

    RickyRobertsonPhoto New Member

    lol good adver. genuine.. (leaving the wm on)
  17. itraxx

    itraxx New Member

    yea if you could remove the watermark that would be cool too. i don't really have a website right now. but i don't really need one. I know some very successful dj's that only have a myspace and a gmail account lol. I'm gonna be on soundclick anyway and my myspace is getting fixed. im also putting up a youtube page soon as well all within the next month or so. So really there isn't a need for one right now. if you want to hear some of my music though, i'll paste a link to one of those pages when they are finished.
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