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Web Design Looks great in Netscape/Firefox; IE looks AWFUL

Discussion in 'Web Design' started by babymama, Oct 4, 2007.

  1. babymama

    babymama New Member

    I'm implementing a new site with the Charity template for a preschool. It looks great in Netscape and Firefox, but top level navigation graphic looks broken in IE. I think it's something in the style.css file, but can't track it down. Any suggestions? http://www.peppertreeschools.com/home3.html
  2. babymama

    babymama New Member

    I think I got it

    seems like the following code along with a separate stylesheet for IE is doing the trick:

    <script language="JavaScript">
    browser_version= parseInt(navigator.appVersion);
    browser_type = navigator.appName;

    if (browser_type == "Microsoft Internet Explorer" && (browser_version >=4)) {
    document.write("<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='style_ie.css' />");

    else {
    document.write("<link REL='stylesheet' HREF='style.css' TYPE='text/css' />");
    // --></script>