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hello my name is pete

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Peter Lewis, Aug 23, 2013.

  1. Peter Lewis

    Peter Lewis New Member

    Hi, i am Pete and my first web template is an xhtml/css site http://thewriterscastle.com . it uses free content instead of just boring Lorem Ipsum. Next i am going to make an html5/css3/jquery slider photogallery with a logo.
    I look forward to participating in the forums and hopefully doing some free work. Ultimately, I want my templates to be good enough to be offered on this site.
  2. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    Welcome to FWT Peter.
    Your template looks great, be looking forward to seeing some others down the track.
    (like the gruffy looking guy on your member icon too!) :)

  3. Ruthe

    Ruthe Community Manager

    Hello Peter!

    Welcome to FWT. Looking forward to your new creations! :)