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Hello Everyone

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by WaterlooSunset, Jul 6, 2011.

  1. WaterlooSunset

    WaterlooSunset New Member

    Hi Everyone,

    I work as a systems architect. I'm experienced with Java and C# development on the server-side and creating dynamic web pages/clients utilizing JavaScript libraries such as JQuery and JQuery Mobile. I'm also proficient in SQL (especially Microsoft's T-SQL).

    I have created a few websites in the past by utilizing WordPress as a CMS which I really enjoy using. I'd love to get skilled in PHP development.

    I've coached my daughter's school and recreational football (soccer here in the U.S.) teams for 3 years. This year a couple of buddies and I have created a select/competitive team named St. Charles Lightning, and we really need help creating a team crest. I have some ideas but honestly not the skill set to create it.

    I love soccer (err I mean football), horse racing, boxing, basketball, hip-hop, heavy metal, and as you may figure from my user name, I'm a huge fan of Ray Davies and the Kinks. :)

    I hope I have something to offer as a forum member.

  2. CovertPea

    CovertPea Moderator Staff Member Verified Member

    What a great introduction!

    Being that you're a 'Kinks' fan I'm guessing you just might be around my age group. 50's perhaps? ;)
    You wont feel out of place as there are quite a few of us baby-boomers here.

    I'm the opposite to yourself when it comes to useable skills. I know nothing about languages, coding and the like but am pretty adept with almost all things graphical.

    Hope you'll be happy to stick around and kindly help where and when needed with our other members.

  3. Ghazibutt

    Ghazibutt New Member

    best of luck man