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Web Design Having A Terrible Time Using a Template

Discussion in 'Web Design' started by Crimson_Ryan, Jun 3, 2008.

  1. Crimson_Ryan

    Crimson_Ryan New Member

    Hello everyone. I should first start off with saying that I don't really know much about codes.

    I'm an avid gamer/fan of the upcoming Metal Gear Online, and a few friends and me got together to make a clan(Not that kind of clan :p) for it, and the forums look amazing, but our actual site is terrible. Its... bearable, but hardly.

    And I was just browsing the internet and BOOM, I found the best template ever, ironically enough, its a template from this site.

    Its that Call Of Duty 2 template, and I was going to keep it the same way, but change the banner to fit our clan. But, it just won't work at all.

    I applied all of the images to the CSS where it was do... But it won't work.

    This is how it looks now: http://thefoxclan.spruz.com/main.asp

    Can I get any help? It'd be awesome to have this theme on our site.