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How To Guidelines for designing a good website.

Discussion in 'General' started by jackdalson, Apr 22, 2010.

  1. jackdalson

    jackdalson Banned

    Hi Friends,

    This is a list of points that should be considered when designing a web site. Many of these are points that should be considered when developing any web site,
    1. Make your site easy to use : Make it uncluttered, easy to navigate and easy to read.
    2. Make your site as fast as possible :
    This not only makes your site more enjoyable to use, but also allows those with expensive and/or slow Internet connections to use your site.
    3. Make your site easy to use : Make it uncluttered, easy to navigate and easy to read.
    4. Make your site useful : Create a site that fills a need.
    5. Maintain Integrity. Be Professional : Be honest. Offer what you claim to offer. Check your spelling.
    6. Make your site friendly and fun to use : Make your site as attractive and fun as you can without making it slow.
    7. Use "cutting edge technology" wisely and effectively : Use it when it's the best way to do something, but don't annoy visitors with "cute" stuff.
    8. Remember that what you think is true may not be true : Some possible misconceptions.
    9. Should I really worry about the minority who use less powerful computers, use older browsers and have slow Internet access? : Yes.

    From a visitor's point of view, a good web site is one that...

    * ...is usable
    * ...has something he/she wants
    * ...doesn't waste his/her time and
    * ...isn't irritating.

    Thank You.....
  2. Recidivist

    Recidivist VIP Member

    1 and 3 are the same :p Other than that, some good points ^_^