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Websites Free Photo Sharing - TinyAlbum.com

Discussion in 'Reviews' started by hoyles, Sep 22, 2008.

  1. hoyles

    hoyles New Member


    I am interested in reviews for my photo sharing site - www.tinyalbum.com

    I have received some feedback from users but I am always looking for more. This site was created in April 2008 and currently has almost 2000 members and hosts almost 65,000 photos.

    I recently had a comments section added as this was a direct request by several users. Now you can comment on each individual photo, with the 5 most recent comments displaying on the homepage to generate buzz around any hot topics/albums or funny pics, etc.

    One thing to note is that I am working on a disclaimer/terms of use because currently there are some adult albums, however the ratio is very small. Only 6-8 albums have been brought to my attention out of 2000.

    I am interested in profile feedback (feel free to give it a test drive, sign up, log in, make a test album, upload any *appropriate* images ;) and give me your thoughts).

    Much appreciated everybody, I'll definitely contribute back to the community and give a few reviews of my own. Cheers!
  2. pezboy45

    pezboy45 Mod/Design & Coder [Pro]

    Looks pretty good.
    But, people are always gonna upload "adult" images.
    You should just allow it, and make a spot for them to check "18+"
    And then only members with their age of 18+ can view them, and guests cannot see them all together.
  3. hoyles

    hoyles New Member

    Well they do have the option to make any album a private album.
    The reason I'm thinking about moderating public albums by a terms of use agreement is because just in the past week I've received emails from 3 people asking for me to delete their account. I did so right away, but sent a follow up email asking why they left and 2 out of 3 replied back to me saying upon showing their album to friends/family, adult images appeared on the homepage photowall. If it's making people unsubscribe from my site, I'd rather just contact the album owner and suggest they make adult albums private.

    The 18+ is a good idea also however, and just set the photowall on the homepage not to randomize images if they are tagged 18+. As you mentioned, people will always upload it and rather than constantly be moderating, which will no doubt become a full time job in the future, just permitting it with a tag may suffice... and increase traffic :p

  4. navyfalcon

    navyfalcon Well-Known Member Verified Member

  5. hoyles

    hoyles New Member


    Great advice, thanks :)
    I'm really focused on new features at this point, I want to give my visitors as many options as possible, without making it overbearing and/or confusing.

    I added the tiltviewer feature (which will carry over to a facebook application soon). Added the comments feature and I'm working on a mobile version of the site now as well.

    In terms of SEO, I'm submitting to tons of directories and discussion forums, as well as dmoz, youtube/hulu vids and today, started a wikipedia page (not yet public).

    Thanks for the suggestion, I'll definitely look into a photo editor feature :)
  6. navyfalcon

    navyfalcon Well-Known Member Verified Member

  7. hoyles

    hoyles New Member

    Thanks for the HTML Tidy Falcon, looks like a great tool and I'll implement the suggestions it returned as soon as I get a chance. It's definitely a bit complicated to keep track of all the code on that site.

    Not sure about the image resizer (just yet), as there are currently 6 sizes provided along the bottom of each image. I'll make this a backburner project.

    Thanks for the suggestions!