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General editing a template, can use some help..

Discussion in 'General' started by Bas Bok, Feb 19, 2012.

  1. Bas Bok

    Bas Bok New Member

    for 10 years now i didn't do anything related to website building.
    Decided to build a website last week and was shocked that i didn't understand how to edit a template ;)
    Downloaded the template on this server

    it is the template for a webshop ( hardware store )

    I work with dreamweaver MX, I have the complete version from macromedia studio mx. and i know the program features basic.

    This is the problem i encountered when i opened index.htm in dreamweaver,
    I cant find, confused how i edit certain element of the template.
    Taking a screen shot of the index.htm

    1) There are the hyper links , i dont understand how they get lined out. is it related to a css style?
    can somebody explain it to me, or a link for a tutorial about it

    2) there are pics, but i was used to see the whole pic when i build a ( simple) website
    Its confusing me. I don't understand how this work...

    Can it be that my dreamweaver MX is to old for that kind of working with templates?

    excuse my English, i don't communicate often in English )

  2. Mimoun

    Mimoun Administrator Staff Member Director Verified Member

    Your Dreamweaver MX is too old to edit it in design mode, but you can still switch to code mode and edit it that way without any problem. All our templates are hand-coded with an HTML/CSS text editor. You can edit the templates with any plain text editor—doesn't matter how old (even notepad will work).
  3. Bas Bok

    Bas Bok New Member

    Thanks you for replying Mimoun

    Okay then i can skip figuring out how to edit it in design mode.
    And concentrate on the code instead.
  4. navyfalcon

    navyfalcon Well-Known Member Verified Member

    when the website template is shown
    Top of page in the toolbar (File Edit View History etc)
    click on View, then Page Source, it will display the source code of the

    In the source code,
    line 13
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
    if you click on "style.css" it should take you to the style sheet

    I use Alleycode HTML Editor (free edition)
    To load the template in Alleycode after downloading it executing it
    Go to file (in top toolbar) then open. You can then locate it and click
    on the template name and it will open in the Editor. If you go to Help
    it has a tutorial on how to use the Editor.

    line 181
    <h1>Flat Monitor</h1>

    line 182
    <h2>Model 123-E7</h2>

    Look at the template under our store
    that is where the line 181 and 182 display

    line 186
    <img src="images/item_new.gif" width="242" height="180" alt="New Item Name" />
    new flat monitor

    Look at the template under promotion is where the picture flat monitor is

    You can change the code to what you want
    line 186
    <img src="images/item_new.gif"
    the image is in the "images folder" and the name of the image is "item_new
    and it is a gif image (as opposed to a jpg image) make sure that the
    extension (gif or jpg) is the same as labeled in the picture (either small
    or caps) or it won't show up when you view on the internet, but will show
    up on your desktop.
    hope this helps
  5. andlosek

    andlosek New Member

    When we develop a custom Website using free templates editing need to change it. Most of us face problem when try to edit a template. "Template editor" is a good one that can help us in this way. Anyone can get this for free. It,s easy to use also.