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Web Design Controlling width of one of the templates

Discussion in 'Web Design' started by Julie M-H, Jul 24, 2014.

  1. Julie M-H

    Julie M-H New Member

    I am using the "Architecture" template. It has a brown border which goes around the outside. I can expand the size of the actual page, but I cannot figure out how to made the border expand with it. There doesn't seem to be any reference to it in the html, I am assuming it is in the CSS but don't have a lot of experience with editing that. Any help would be appreciated.
  2. Yen

    Yen Programmer Verified Member

    Hi Julie,

    You need to adjust the background image (images/body_bg.gif) accordingly.

    The image looks like this:


    You'll need photoshop (or any image editing tool you're familiar with) to extend its length so that it matches the new width of your page.
  3. Julie M-H

    Julie M-H New Member

    Thanks, Yen, it worked, I appreciate it.
  4. spikespiegel

    spikespiegel New Member

    The width usually is defined on the rule #wrapper in every template's css, but of course I'm just making a deduction.
    Give me your website url and I'll point you exactly where you have to edit.