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General Confused .... ToS ...

Discussion in 'General' started by Robert2007, Feb 5, 2007.

  1. Robert2007

    Robert2007 New Member

    I have downloaded recently a template from you website and in the templates TOS file it says i can't remove the link back to your website :((( .... BUT ... on this website if i go to ToS then it says this:

    "You can remove any link to our websites from a template, you're free to use the template without linking back to us. But don't forgot to tell anyone that can use our service about it, that is if you like our website your friends will too."

    Can I please remove the link ??? I have already brought 2 friends to the website that have used your templates on the web...

    Thank you ...:confused:
  2. paul374

    paul374 New Member

    yes, you are able to remove the link to freewebsitetemplates, it was probably a template that was created before you were allowed to remove the link! :)
  3. Scoooooty

    Scoooooty Member

    Yep your free to remove the link! :)