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General Cannot edit Text from source code

Discussion in 'General' started by nanditb, Nov 20, 2006.

  1. nanditb

    nanditb New Member

    How do I use this template? Do I need a software package to edit it?I tried to change the source code but it refuses to save.
  2. Scoooooty

    Scoooooty Member

    Best to edit them with dreamweaver or Frontpage but any test editor does the trick.

    I dont why it refuses to save...
  3. Dpower20

    Dpower20 New Member

    What are you using to edit it?
  4. nanditb

    nanditb New Member


    I used notepad to edit when I couldn't save. But thanks anyways because I downloaded Nvu editor and it works fine now.
  5. Stupidesigner

    Stupidesigner Member

    Editing a template .PSD means open it in photoshop. editing text means open the html in the dreamweaver or similar program.