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PHP Calender

Discussion in 'Web Development' started by RichieR, Jul 31, 2005.

  1. RichieR

    RichieR New Member

    I'm looking for a script in wich I can grant multiple users to fill a unique calender.
    It is for a new website I have in mind.
    This is how I want it to work (I hope in a nutshell :confused: ).
    First there are users that are granted acces to my site (login). In this site they can get acces (after login) to the front page where I provide them of news, discounts, overall calender and also an additional acces pannel where they can login in there own user screen. Here they can fill in a unique calender (it's a sort of working schedule).
    Then there is a login for users who want to hire somebody for a particular job, they have acces first to the users that are in my database (not the people who want to hire) here they can find an overall story (what they do etc.). Then second they can take a look in the calender to check if somebody is free and maybe they can hire somebody direct on my site e.g. by filling in a form that, after my confirmation and the one thats being hired, becomes active in the calender.

    I hope my objective is clear and that it is not TO complicated. I know it's much to make it work :eek: . But is there such a script? (I need it all, calender, forms, login etc.) :D

    Thanks in advance,

  2. Mimoun

    Mimoun Administrator Staff Member Director Verified Member

    You will have to use php for this any script that requires users to insert data on your website you will have to use php or another server side script language. Javascript is just for client side actions that don't need to be stored.

    Here is a php calendar script. Only the basic version is free.
  3. markR

    markR New Member

  4. RichieR

    RichieR New Member


    Thanks for the tip.
    But can I also make a front page where two types of users can login :confused: .
    Because one group of users need to fill in the calender and fill in there own info page and the other group can look in the calender of the first group and take a look at the info pages. :cool:


  5. markR

    markR New Member

    within egroupware you can set up different groups - you need to play with it to see if it matches your needs as it is bulging with features


    1 person likes this.
  6. RichieR

    RichieR New Member


    Thanks for the info, I'll try to figure it out.
  7. RichieR

    RichieR New Member


    Hi MarkR,

    That program egroupware is to big (are maybe corrupt I don't know):confused: to place it on theserver. It stops after uploading half the program. Maybe I'm doing it wrong, but it's not an user friendly program:( .

    Does anybody have some other suggestions or is the program you advised me Mimoun capable of doing the things I want in a calender program?


  8. jordan333

    jordan333 New Member