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Web Design Broken Images after Edit

Discussion in 'Web Design' started by Terin, Nov 14, 2008.

  1. Terin

    Terin New Member

    Ok so I download a template right, and then open up an image in my edit software of choice. Do some layer work etc and make a new image of the same size as the one that is called for. Merge all the layers and then save as the same type (.gif/.jpg) etc.

    I keep getting broken images. Same name, same format, and it wont show the pictures. Has anyone seen this behavior before?
  2. martinguitars

    martinguitars New Member

    I am having the same problem...

    I am having the same problem. I am going to do some research on back posts - I can't imagine that we are the only people who have had this issue. I will let you know if I find anything.
  3. batanespaolo

    batanespaolo New Member

    are you using photoshop?
    I've been downloading templates and pictures here but don not encounter any like yours.

    How about opacity of some layers? just a wild guess.
  4. Chef Boy

    Chef Boy New Member

    Sometimes it can be case sensitive, also make sure the directory is written the same in the code as where its saved.