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General again with a question

Discussion in 'General' started by anarky_tt, Dec 30, 2006.

  1. anarky_tt

    anarky_tt New Member

    well my site is done but now i have a new problem i uploaded all the files but it does not load any of the images...can some1 help me? ty
  2. logtmedia

    logtmedia New Member

    is it only the images on the new page or the whole site that is not showing images...
    also could you give the site url to us, it often helps if the site can be seen.
  3. anarky_tt

    anarky_tt New Member

    it seems the problem is not only with the images but with the other pages...i guess there is a problem with the way i published it .. i guess...on the pc it works perfectly...on the web...not at all

    check www.q3-ar.com and u'll see what i'm talking about
  4. logtmedia

    logtmedia New Member

    will take a look now
  5. logtmedia

    logtmedia New Member

    index page and style sheet is all I can find, there dosn't seem to be any images uploaded at all.
  6. anarky_tt

    anarky_tt New Member

    check the site now...i managed to make the images load ..by uploading them via ftp transfer to the domain...but yet the subpages don't load even if they are uploaded on the domain...
  7. pezboy45

    pezboy45 Mod/Design & Coder [Pro]

    try uploading the whole site again, delete everything and start from scratch
  8. anarky_tt

    anarky_tt New Member

    i am beggining to think that i am doing something wrong...

    check this out

    i have the root folder that contains index.htm source.psd style.css and also (for example) roster.xhtml about.xhtml...

    in the root folder there is a folder named images that contains all the graphics

    all the linkings are correct...checked them many times

    when i visit the website all that loads is the homepage and images and none of the other pages load...

    hope i managed explain my problem
  9. pezboy45

    pezboy45 Mod/Design & Coder [Pro]

    I can't think of anything that could be wrong sorry....
  10. logtmedia

    logtmedia New Member

    Looks like you've been busy with the site, starting to take shape nicely now.
  11. logtmedia

    logtmedia New Member

    Looking at your site, I'm suprised you didn't use the world of warcraft template.
  12. anarky_tt

    anarky_tt New Member

    i thought that that template was more suitable for what i desired...coz i intended to show recent matches to show servers...that's why i used that one...at the moment i am too new to web desing to create my own styles and templates so i think i will make a req. for a quak3 clansite template

    anyway all templates are great and i wanna thank you all for the help
  13. pezboy45

    pezboy45 Mod/Design & Coder [Pro]

    Who has been busy?